


Review Literature as Topic, Research, Writing, Publishing Scholarly, Theoretical essay


This manuscript aims to discuss the methodological process of conducting an Integrative Review (IR) and its structuring for academic publication. Methodologically, a narrative review was conducted on IR used as a method in bibliographic research, resulting in this essay. It was identified that IR is composed by the following stages: planning, execution, and completion. To this end, a roadmap for conducting IR was developed, consisting of the aforementioned stages and their respective specific activities. Its main contribution refers to the breadth of information that encompasses the aspects before, during, and after IR, which facilitate the understanding of the student or professional, who will have more theoretical and methodological foundations in the construction of IR studies. Regarding the design of the academic publication, the roadmap for structuring an IR manuscript lists elements belonging to each section of the article, which helps the authors access specific information about the issues that will be addressed for the organization of the manuscript. Both scripts are in line with the relevance of IR as an important method of bibliographic research, as they can assist in the appropriate proposition of practical solutions based on scientific evidence and in the dissemination of updated knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Claudio Bispo de Almeida, Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctorate of Health Sciences from the State University of Southwest Bahia. Leader of the Center for Study, Research and Extension in Fighting, Martial Arts and Combat Sports

Marcelo Silva Alves, University Technician at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Master in Teaching, Language and Society from the State University of Bahia. Member of the International Center for Studies in Human Rights, Education, Culture and Health

Fábio Fernandes Flores, State University of Bahia - Brazil

Master in Teaching, Language and Society. Member of the International Center for Studies in Human Rights, Education, Culture and Health

Ricardo Franklin de Freitas Mussi, Professor in the Professional Master's Degree in Public Health and in the Postgraduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society at the State University of Bahia - Brazil

Doctorate in Physical Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Member of the International Center for Studies in Human Rights, Education, Culture and Health


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, C. B. de; ALVES, M. S.; FLORES, F. F.; MUSSI, R. F. de F. INTEGRATIVE REVIEW: FROM CONDUCTING THE RESEARCH TO DESIGNING THE ACADEMIC PUBLICATION. Cenas Educacionais, [S. l.], v. 7, p. e20891, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13863172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2025.



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