

Affectivity, Teaching, Inclusion, Pandemic, Citizenship


This article presents a qualitative study carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Federal Institute of Bahia - IFBA with the aim of understanding the value of a pedagogical practice based on affectivity for the inclusion of students with Specific Educational Needs - SEN during classes of the year 2020, from the perspective of the faculty. The study is the initial part of the doctoral thesis, under development at the University of Málaga, Spain and was carried out through teaching narratives, where several focuses of analysis emerged, however, for the purpose of this article I will focus only on the training of teachers and affectivity as a pedagogical practice. In the research, one can observe a convergence of values and beliefs among the interviewed teachers, revealing remarkable facts from their life stories, which influenced the discovery of their vocation and their pedagogical practice is rooted in the relationship of respect and admiration built with their mothers , teachers and professors. As initial conclusions, it was possible to understand that teachers, through practices of content contextualization, adaptation of teaching materials, personalization of assessments and close communication, including the use of social networks, achieved inclusion, overcoming barriers . isolation and the effects of virtuality with cordiality and respect for citizens. The study aroused academic curiosity to understand the subjective dimensions, recognizing its complexity and its relationship with historical and sociocultural landmarks.


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Author Biography

Valéria Melo Ferraz, Estudiante de Doctorado en Educación y Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Málaga - España

Maestría en Desarrollo Regional y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Estatal de Santa Cruz. Profesora del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Bahía. Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Docencia en Administración y Emprendimiento


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How to Cite

Ferraz, V. M. (2023). EXPERIENCES OF INCLUSION IN THE PANDEMIC AND VIRTUALITY: TEACHING NARRATIVES. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e17091. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/17091



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