Physical Education, Adventure Body Practices, Surfing, Digital Teaching Materials, EnvironmentAbstract
In the last decades, Adventure Body Practices appear as a possibility for the treatment of new knowledge in Physical Education from curricular references and some academic debates. However, Adventure Body Practices still face resistance due to the lack of teachers' training about this knowledge and teaching materials that deal with these practices. Given this, the present study aimed at discussing surfing in Physical Education classes, based on a digital teaching material developed collaboratively with a second-grade teacher from a school in a city in the South of Minas Gerais, a non-coastal region. The participants of this study were the Physical Education teacher and 42 students from the second grade of elementary school. We took as methodological basis the assumptions of research intervention, according to Damiani et al. (2013). The collaborative development of the digital teaching material lasted six months, and the intervention lasted two months. After the interventions, with the didactic material, we analyzed that surfing is an Adventure Body Practice possible to be experienced in Physical Education classes, even in a region far from the practice environment (sea). In addition, digital educational resources can provide an environment and an aesthetic formation with themes that, sometimes, are not part of the student's daily lives. Finally, we can identify that this aesthetic approach promoted a learning relationship between the students and the environmental theme and the creation and recreation of body experiences with surfing.
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