

Educational technologies, Linguistic, pedagogical and technological indicators, Reading, Writing


Digital technologies, in addition to enabling interaction, enable the constitution of a networked society (LÉVY, 1993; 1998;1999). Although present in school spaces, the use of digital technological resources has been accelerated with the COVID pandemic. The teachers were thrown into a vórtex, in whose center was the urgency of the use of different technologies, especially digital ones, straining pedagogical practices. The use and evaluation of the tools occurred almost simultaneously and the post-pandemic has given rise to challenges about which media to select and how to use the different technological resources in order to enhance the teaching-learning process.  In this wake of discussions, this work analyzes the wattpad as a pedagogical resource for classroom work and seeks to understand the potentialities of the application for working with reading and writing practices in high school, from Rojo's studies;  Moura (2012); Vieira (2012; 2013); Kings; Gomes (2014);  Kings (2017); Chartier (1994); Soares (2002); Ribeiro (2021); Coscarelli; Novais (2010) among others.  This is an exploratory research, whose central focus is the analysis of the wattpad application, in the light of precepts about educational technologies. The analyses showed that the wattpad offers multimodal resources to develop the teaching-learning process with regard to reading and writing in a digital context. However, it is pertinent for the teacher to know the resources available on the platform, considering evaluation criteria that cover the linguistic, pedagogical and technological dimensions.


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Author Biographies

Rosangela Adriana do Amaral Memento, Teacher at the State Network of Minas Gerais - Brazil

Master in Education from the Federal University of Lavras.

Mauriceia Silva de Paula Vieira, Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Lavras - Brazil

Doctorate in Linguistic Studies from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Leader of the Reading and Writing research group.


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How to Cite

Memento, R. A. do A., & Vieira, M. S. de P. (2023). THE WATTPAD CAPABILITIES FOR WORK WITH READING AND WRITING. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16987. Retrieved from

