

Education, Radio, Communication, Information Technology, Teaching


The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied to education represent innovations that facilitate pedagogical work. In the context of remote teaching due to the Covid-19 pandemic, educational systems have been forced to adopt creative paths and experiences involving ICT in their educational processes. Thus, the objective of this article is to present an experience report in remote teaching at a Public University about the use of web radio for educational purposes. The methodology used in the reported experience is the qualitative research approach with the technical procedure of action research. The article describes the technical procedures of assembly, transmission, process management, content production, as well as audience data and impressions of Pedagogy students in two disciplines. Among the results and conclusions, the educational potential of using web radio can be highlighted, as well as the research paths that can derive from it.


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Author Biography

Hélio José Santos Maia, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Education at the University of Brasília - Brazil

Doctorate in Education from the University of Brasília


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How to Cite

Maia, H. J. S. (2023). PEDAGOGICAL WORK WITH WEB RADIO: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT IN REMOTE TEACHING CONTEXT. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16941. Retrieved from

