Open Educational Resources, Emergency Remote Teaching, Portuguese Language and LiteratureAbstract
In this work, of an applied nature and qualitative approach, we focus on the production of an Open Educational Resource (OER) for the context of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). For this, we delimited three specific objectives: i) To present an own understanding of Online Education, based on studies on Distance Education (DE), Blended Learning and ERT; ii) Discuss alternatives for the production of teaching materials in the context of Online Education, taking into account the literature on the subject, including some previous research of our own authorship; iii) Demonstrate how it is possible to articulate some of these possibilities in pedagogical practice, with a view to an OER designed for the ERE context. The results suggest that the concept of Online Education refers to a broad category that encompasses three different notions, but with certain characteristics in common: DE; Blended Learning and ERT. In the present work, we demonstrate how certain alternatives available on the internet can be articulated to produce OER in the context of Online Education, with emphasis on ERT. It is necessary to consider, however, that for practices in this direction to have the expected reach and proportion, more investments are needed in the continuing education of teachers, as well as in public policies for access to digital technologies and the internet.
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