

Agenda 2030, Interdisciplinarity, Basic education, Students


This research report addresses the insertion of the Agenda 2030 in the disciplines modeled as are the cases of electives in elementary school and training itineraries in the new high school, in addition to disciplines in regular high school. The general objective was to verify the dissemination of the Agenda 2030 in school units of the manner amount, in addition, to approaching it as a didactic proposal, a potential educational practice that encompasses the contents of mathematics and chemistry with be curricular components in the subjects that are currently undergoing adaptations. As a methodology, we used empirical observations of activities and registration of practices under the models presented of active lifelong learning methodologies and 3C3R with multivariate techniques. The initial results obtained were promising, as there was an absence of dissemination of the 2030 Agenda in the selected School Units, after all, the students demonstrated ignorance of its existence. However with the activities developed, didactic games, symbolic plaques, photo mural, etc., permiting the Agenda in a practical manner the knowledge with increased socio-environmental awareness. It is concluded that working on the Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) by meddling them in the mathematics and chemistry contents which are included in the regular subjects, electives and training itineraries, has its potentialities and limitations, requiring more and greater efforts in the medium term. and long term to guide and engage students towards the local environmental sustainability.


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Author Biography

Marcos Scarpioni, Professor na Rede Pública Estadual de São Paulo - Brasil

Mestre em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo






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How to Cite

Scarpioni, M. (2023). AGENDA 2030 HOW PRACTICAL EDUCATIVE IN THE UNITS SCHOOLAR STATE OF THE REGION OF THE GREAT ABC. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16195. Retrieved from



Experience Report