Initial Teachers’ Training, Mathematical Education, Teaching Guiding Activity, Geometry, Remote TeachingAbstract
We acknowledge that school and school education play important roles in the development of society and human beings, with countless objective and subjective conditions, and the different actors involved. In this context, two guiding questions emerge: how can the organization of Mathematics teaching motivate students’ learning? How do we become teachers who teach Mathematics? Thus, this work aims to present and discuss the organization of Mathematics teaching for the logical organization of the Geometry concept developed in an initial training course in Pedagogy. Based on Historical-Cultural Theory, Activity Theory, and Teaching Guiding Activity, we present a formative episode in three settings: scientific concept, teaching organization, and child development. From that, we perceive indications that the organization of a Mathematics Teaching discipline in higher education, when based on the assumptions of the Teaching Guiding Activity, may motivate teachers' learnings, which might constitute a possibility to (re)think education.
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