Social Skills, Narratives, ChildhoodAbstract
Children's narratives can contribute to the development of the habit of reading and the development of social skills in children. The research aimed to: a) Identify possible contents of social skills classes in fables; b) Assess children's social skills before and after reading fables. Ten children participated in the research, who responded to the Social Skills Assessment System (SSRS/BR), in two moments: before the presentation of seven children's fables and after their presentation. The fables were pre-selected by members of the Social Skills Laboratory - LEHS - for presenting characteristics of children's social skills in their narrative. There was a change in the data referring to the responses in the self-assessment of Social Skills. However, the data showed the need to evaluate other resources, variables and methods such as: durability of time before and after children watch the fables, investigation using a control group, reapplication of the study outside the context of a pandemic, larger sample of participants; application of the inventory in person and presentation of the fables in other ways, through dramatization, reading, etc., to expand the possibilities of investigation and, consequently, of concise results in the work with social skills in different contexts.
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