

Memory, History, School, Actors' stories


This work studies the memory of the Colegio Nacional de Santa Fe (Argentina) in the tensions and continuities of its past that constitutes a plot of meaning in the school present. A theoretical-methodological approach is adopted that understands the memory of the school from the voices of those who participate in its institutional life. A theoretical-methodological approach is adopted that understands the memory of the school from the voices of those who participate in its institutional life. For this, their stories are reconstructed from the in-depth interviews and the speeches of a school act in commemoration of its foundation. In the process of inquiry and interpretation, significant nuclei of memories articulated among themselves are recognized that emerge from the actors themselves and become places and images of the institution that guide their permanent return. The first one, brings together the memories referred to with the question of the name, the school building and the founding moment. The second synthesizes the contrasting relationships between the mandate of origin and the tensions in its evolution.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Ángela Odetti, Profesora en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral - Argentina

Magister en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana en Ciencias Sociales - Argentina. Profesora en el Instituto Superior N° 9105 “Dra. Sara Faisal”.


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How to Cite

ODETTI, C. Ángela. THE PAST IN THE PRESENT: PLACES AND IMAGES OF THE NATIONAL COLLEGE OF SANTA FE, ARGENTINA. Cenas Educacionais, [S. l.], v. 5, p. e14420, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.



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