Regulation, Evaluation, Quality, Education, NeoliberalismAbstract
This article aims to discuss the regulation, evaluation and quality of education in the context of dimensions guided by the criticism of the way of doing science inaugurated in capitalist modernity; by the context of the centrality of subjectivity resulting from the philosophical conformation, supported by the hegemonic methodological structure. Contextualized from the influence that neoliberalism imposes on educational systems in general and on Brazilian education specifically, which is pressured by the reduction of the public sphere, the State, with the consequent advance of the market and private initiative, determining the directions of education in every country. At the end, it reflects on the quality of education in this context. The main theoretical and methodological contributions of the text are based on: Gentili (1999; 2013), Marx (2011; 2008), Mészáros (2002), Oliveira (1999), Smith (2003), Tonet (2013) and Tragtenberg (1982).
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