Human Rights and Education, Elementary Education, Teaching History, Education for DiversityAbstract
The present text aims to focus on the curricular component of History in the early years of Elementary School as placed in the legal horizon in relation to a critical position on their conceptions about the idea of diversity. To do so, it seeks an overview from multiculturalism to decolonial proposals as a way to resize the relationships (and definitions) between the “I” and the “Other”. In this way, it is based on the epistemological dimension of the question: the recognition of alterity not only as a subject, but also as an enunciator of certain knowledge. Therefore, it focuses on the reflection on the rupture of Cartesian ontological dualism as proposed by Enrique Dussel and on the indication of a critical interculturality put by Catherine Walsh as the basis of a Decolonial Pedagogy. Finally, it presents a practical possibility of action according to such concerns, based on the work of Renato Noguera.
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