Nursing, Intersectionality, Health Unic System, TranssexualityAbstract
This is an experience report that aims to describe the experience of undergraduate students in Nursing and Health, master's level, during the realization of a workshop on Transsexuality in the Context of SUS developed in the event called Nursing Week of Jequié in the year 2017. For the development of the workshop, audiovisual and entertainment resources were used to contextualize the discussion about the policy for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite and Transsexuals contemplating the therapeutic transsexualization process of SUS and the right to use the social name. The results were presented in three categories: Knowledge about the topic, Relevant knowledge about the use of the Social Name and Challenges of health professionals and transsexual people versus oppression and illness. This experience was relevant to broadening the discussion on Transsexuality as a reinforcing element of oppression about the subject not only in Nursing but in health courses in general due to the gap in the training of these actors.
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