Intersectoriality, Educational Inclusion, Alternative and Augmentative Communication, ASDAbstract
In Brazil, the construction of an inclusive educational system, driven by the dialogue between Human Rights and Education from the 1990s onwards, and consolidated by the National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusion in 2008, has fostered the reorientation of pedagogical practices that materialize the assumption of a school for all, in which access, permanence and learning is guaranteed to students with specific educational needs, in particular students with disabilities. Supported in an inclusive perspective, the objective of this work is to narrate how the intersectoral dialogue between education and health, through the sharing of experiences, methodology adopted in the extension internship The Alternative and Augmentative Communication in the mediation of texts for people in the Autism Spectrum, allowed the participants, in a collaborative way, to weave a series of strategies to ensure communication, participation and learning for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) enrolled in regular schools. The course took place between July 15 to September 2, in 2019, with a workload of forty (40) hours, alternating between theoretical study and workshops, with a final public of thirty (30) concluding registrants among undergraduate students, professors and professionals in the health and social assistance area. Alternative and Augmentative Communication, was chosen as theme of the course because even though it is a resource of assistive technology with extensive literature on its potentializing role in the communication of people with ASD, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in teaching practices, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in practices, as evidenced the dialogue with the training participants.
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