Learning Strategies, Physical Education, AutismAbstract
This study is a scientific investigation in order to understand what are the teaching-learning strategies used in Physical Education classes with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The study aimed to describe and analyze the teaching-learning strategies used by teachers in Physical Education classes for students with ASD who attend the Specialized Center for Persons with Autism Spectrum (NEPEA) of the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) from Feira de Santana-BA; and identification of adaptations made in Physical Education classes to favor the teaching-learning process of students with the TEA. A field research was carried out, with a descriptive character and a qualitative approach, in which data were collected through a semi-structured interview and output from the content analysis protocol. The survey was conducted at APAE Feira de Santana, more specifically at NEPEA. Research participants were 6 Physical Education teachers. The research results showed that teachers, despite not having enough support in their initial training to work with students with ASD, seek alternatives and training that helped in the beginning of this process. Currently, teachers use favorable standards in Physical Education classes for groups of students with ASD and whenever necessary, make adaptations. Despite the difficulties, they emphasize the significance and relevance of Physical Education for the development of students with ASD.
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