Relationship to Knowledge, (Auto)biography, Women, TeachersAbstract
Presenting an analytical discussion about the relationship to knowledge of women and teachers is the objective of this article. The narrative interview was used as listening device to materialize the autobiographical narratives of the study collaborators. There are four voices that helped in the analytical compositions, teachers who have been working for more than ten years in São Paulo - SP Basic Education. The theoretical basis of the study is Bernard Charlot's Theory of Relationship to Knowledge. Narratives enable to reveal that the relationship to knowledge of women and teachers permeates the ways of being and being in the profession, in the construction of their teaching identities, in the mobilizations they carry out and in the meanings they attribute to work and their current school practices. To Remember and to narrate allowed to these four women a moment of reflection about themselves and their places in their own times, also showing the essential tensions of life of women.
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