Teaching-learning, Pandemic, Teacher, TechnologyAbstract
This text aimed to analyze the relationship between teaching and the new information and communication technologies, noting the importance of the teacher / mediator in the use of technological tools as an ally in the search for quality education even in times of pandemic. Such tools need qualified professionals, able to assist students in the production of their own knowledge, since they currently make daily use of the various technological equipment existing in the environment that surrounds them. However, it is clear that students, in the search for meaningful knowledge, need guidance, especially at this time when teaching is being carried out remotely, that is, outside the classroom. This text is anchored in a bibliographic study on the role of the teacher and the use of information and communication technologies in the teaching-learning process, based on the following authors: Costa et al (2020); Elias et al (2020); France (2020); Habowski e Conte (2019); Neira (2016); Oliveira (2001); Souza (2013); and Teruya (2005).
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