About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Cenas Educacionais (CEDU) is an electronic publication linked to the Graduate Program in Teaching, Language and Society (PPGELS) of the Department of Human Sciences, Campus VI, of the State University of Bahia.
CEDU aims to publish and disseminate scientific productions on Teaching, Education and Interdisciplinarity, three major areas that shape the scope of the journal.
CEDU publishes articles, essays, reviews, experience reports, interviews and translations, in continuous flow and / or by the organization of the Thematic Dossier, written in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, sent by a researcher / collaborator from Brazil and abroad who investigate / write about issues related to the areas of Teaching, Education and Interdisciplinarity.
Peer Review Process
The works will be evaluated, anonymously (double-blind evaluation system), by AD HOC reviewers, belonging to institutions other than the one in which the authorship is linked, who may suggest adjustments / changes / corrections in the presentation / writing of the proposal. After the analysis, the opinions will be sent to the authors along with instructions for modifications, when applicable.
The opinions are intended to certify the quality of the texts for publication purposes and are presented according to the following three categories:
- Publishable without restrictions;
- Publishable with restrictions and suggestions for modifications, subject to a new paracer;
- Not publishable.
The text (s) with opinion (s) indicating modification (s) must be reviewed by the author (s) within the period to be defined by the managing editor, in common agreement with the author (s).
After grammatically revising the text, correcting references and revising abstracts in a foreign language, the author (s) will receive the text for a final review within ten days, with the opportunity to introduce any minor details corrections.
From the year 2020, CEDU started the process of publication in a CONTINUOUS FLOW regime.
Until the year 2019, CEDU was published every six months (June and December), also publishing extra / supplementary / special issues.
Open Access Policy
This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.
History of CEDU
Cenas Educacionais (CEDU) was created in June 2018 by the Teaching, Discourse and Society Research Group (DisSE).
In the year of 2019, CEDU is linked to the Post-Graduation Program in Education, Language and Society (PPGELS) of the University of the State of Bahia (UNEB).
Initially, the editorial management was developed by Professor Dr. Elizeu Pinheiro da Cruz (Managing Editor between June 2018 and April 2019). Secondly, Professor Dr. Janaína de Jesus Santos assumed the role of Managing Editor (May 2019 and June 2020). The third Managing Editor Professor Dr. Ricardo Franklin de Freitas Mussi assumed the role in September 2019.
In each of its volumes, CEDU publishes Thematic Dossiers organized by invited researchers/editors with experience and academic-scientific qualification in the subject, an action that encourages the deepening of the issue/content specific. Manuscripts submitted, evaluated, approved and adjusted by the continuous flow system are also published, which allows for the expansion of dialogue in the fields of teaching, education and interdisciplinarity.
Despite its brief history, CEDU has become an important vehicle for dissemination and academic-scientific dialogue for researchers and students who are interested and dedicated to multidimensional issues in the field of education and who wish to communicate/publish the results of their research, products and reflections.
With the intention of expanding its visibility in academic circles, in the year of 2019, CEDU intensified the process of indexing/cadastramento in national and international data bases.
In its first participation in Qualis Periódicos da CAPES, referring to the 2017-2020 quadriênio, CEDU obtained a B1 rating.
Not the year from 2021 to CEDU is included, for the first time, in Google Métrics officially, presenting index H5 = 4. Not the following year (2022) or index increased to H5 = 6. However, the citation index of the CEDU can also be followed in real time without our official profile in Google Scholar.