Two proposals for learning in Statistics

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Marcos Nascimento Magalhães


The COVID-19 epidemic brought important impacts in all areas. In the educational area, inequalities in access to technology produced differentiated effects on student development. On the other hand, the wide dissemination of graphs and statistical measures during the pandemic is an opportunity to be explored in the teaching of Statistics. In this article, we discuss two proposals that can be used at different school levels, even in environments with difficult access to technology. One is the use of activities (paper and pencil type) as a preliminary to computational experiments. The other proposal is the Conversation Round with responses to conceptual Statistics items in groups and, later, a general discussion round. These proposals provide active participation by students, with important effects on learning, since both are supported by theoretical-methodological bases that enable the creation of collective contexts for student discussion.


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Magalhães, M. N. (2022). Two proposals for learning in Statistics. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 3(01), e202216.
Dossiê Temático - Educação Estatística brasileira na 11th ICOTS
Author Biography

Marcos Nascimento Magalhães, Departamento de Estatística (IME- USP)

Departamento de Estatística (IME- USP). Doutor em Pesquisa Operacional.


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