Pesquisa narrativa, outros movimentos: uma percepção sobre formação docente baseado nas narrativas de três professores
Pesquisa narrativa. Escola. Formação de professores.Abstract
The objective of this text is to reflect on teacher training through narratives of teachers who work in education, to contribute to the academic debate about the role of their life history in their pedagogical action. The teachers' narratives are considered, in the text, as training practices and a research method, focusing on the experiences narrated by the subjects, on the stories of their lives as a phenomenon of the training process. We present, initially, an overview of the investigation by the biographical approach, highlighting the formation of the subject as a historical being that produces knowledge about himself, about his formation and about the world, and specifying the methodology used for the work, which is based on the methodology of cards. Next, we try to contextualize the school as a space for the crossing of cultures and recognition of the cultural differences that exist within it, in order to analyze the narratives of the teachers/authors. It is concluded with this work that the training and practice of teachers are the result of intra and interpersonal relationships that teachers develop throughout their lives.
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