



Bullying, Homophobic bullying, Prevention, Multimedia


The word bullying describes a way of treating people. Its fundamental meaning is: to harass, annoy, harass, hinder or physically attack someone. Foreign research suggests that it occurs in a short time (between 30 and 40 seconds) and only approximately one in 25 teachers is able to identify it; It is also expressed in different ways. No country is exempt from situations of this type, but in Cuba there is no scientific evidence to assess the magnitude of the problem. Until today, it constitutes a subject little addressed in our society, mainly because it is seen by many as a normal stage through which schoolchildren, adolescents and young people must go through during their development. Therefore, designing a multimedia that contributes as reference material for the preparation of teachers in the prevention of bullying, paying special attention to homophobic bullying, was the objective of the research that led to the present study. On the other hand, the feeling of impunity provided by new technologies has serious consequences for those affected. Avoiding abuses of bullying is everyone's business. Teachers, as professionals scientifically prepared to educate, must communicate, dominate educational methods to train the new generations. Through the design and use of multimedia that is taxed as reference material for the preparation of teachers in the Prevention of bullying, paying special attention to homophobic bullying, the teacher is able to know, become aware of, identify and avoid incidences in our centers.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Cejas Hernández, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Licenciada em Psicología, Cursando Maestría en “Sexología y Sociedad” por El Centro Nacional de Estudios sobre Sexualidad (Cenesex)

Belkis Caridad de Vera Olivera, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Máster em Educación Superior por El Instituto Superior Pedagógico Enrique José Varona

Liannet Coello Pérez, Adiestrada Centro Universitario Municipal Bejucal de laUniversidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Licenciada em estúdios Socioculturales


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How to Cite

HERNÁNDEZ, E. C.; OLIVERA, B. C. de V.; PÉREZ, L. C. BULLYING, SOCIAL ILLNESS THAT MUST NOT BE UNKNOWN: MULTIMEDIA FOR YOUR PREVENTION, WITH INTENTION IN THE HOMOFOBIC BULLYING . Diálogos e Perspectivas Interventivas, [S. l.], v. 2, p. e13594, 2022. DOI: 10.52579/diapi.vol2.i.a13594. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/dialogos/article/view/13594. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.




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