


Strategy, Improvement, Communication, Competition


Contemporary reality demands the permanent training of Higher Education professionals. The teachers who direct the Teaching-Learning Process of the Physical Culture Career at the Bejucal University Center, manifest in their performance, certain insufficiencies in the development of some professional communication skills for the development of the teaching process with quality. Justifying an efficient preparation in the communicative sphere and putting it at the service of contemporary education calls for the development of its competence. This work offers the design of some methodological activities for teachers, aimed at the development of communicative competence, in which specialized conferences, workshops and self-preparation activities are proposed, specified in the teaching-methodological work of the career and the University Center Municipal, which allow the possibility of self-evaluating the state of transformation of the teachers' performance. Its novelty lies in the presentation without antecedents on the subject of study in the locality, of theoretical and practical tools for the fulfillment of the proposed objective that enhances the ability to express clearly, precisely and with the appropriate use of the language the information that you want transmit in a participatory and democratic direction of the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biographies

Belkis Caridad de Vera Olivera, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Máster en Educación Superior por la Universidad Agraria de la Habana

Aleida Clotilde Alfonso Herrera, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Máster en Ciencias de la Educación Superior por la Universidad Agraria de la Habana

Sarahi Zamora Ramos, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Máster en Ciencia en Estudios Intredisciplinario de América Latina, el Caribe y Cuba por la Universidad de la Habana

Lourdes De Vera Olivera, Profesora na Universidad Agraria de la Habana - Cuba

Máster em Trabajo Sociocomunitario por la Universidad Agraria de la Habana


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How to Cite

OLIVERA, B. C. de V.; HERRERA, A. C. A.; RAMOS, S. Z.; OLIVERA, L. D. V. METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES TO DEVELOP THE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF THE UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR . Diálogos e Perspectivas Interventivas, [S. l.], v. 2, p. e13592, 2022. DOI: 10.52579/diapi.vol2.i.a13592. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.




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