
Mots-clés :

Disability, Periodical Publications, Social service


Social Work, as an interventionist profession in the social reality oriented towards guaranteeing social rights, also operates in research and knowledge production in different areas of social policy. This paper aims to analyze the Social Service's understanding of disability issues in its periodical publications. For this, a bibliographic search was carried out divided into the following steps: survey of journals with CAPES Qualis A1 and A2 evaluation; identification of articles that contain the term disability in the title, abstract or keyword; systematization of data; and, finally, analysis of the productions to identify the central themes on disability. The results show that only 0.95% of the total articles available in online magazines deal with disabilities and that the majority of authors are teachers. It was also identified that the most searched thematic axis is the Continuous Installment Benefit (BPC), accounting for 42.42% of productions. The main conclusions are the low production on disability in the field of Social Work and the centrality given to BPC in studies on disability.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Agnes de Araújo Wolf, University of Brasília

Graduated in Social Service

Thaís Kristosch Imperatori, Professor at the University of Brasília

PhD in Social Policy from the University of Brasília. Researcher at the Democracy, Civil Society and Social Service Group.


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Comment citer

Wolf, A. de A. ., & Imperatori, T. K. . (2021). DISABILITY AND SOCIAL WORK: WHAT DO THE JOURNALS SAY?. Cenas Educacionais, 4, e11766. Consulté à l’adresse https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/11766



Dossier Thématique