it dances, culture, daily.Abstract
They are about the directions produced for one of video in which a couple dances intitled music “Vai in the Pony”, that “it viralizou” in the Internet in 2013, carrying out scenes of daily the urban one. For in such a way, hand of the Fraps program is launched that it makes possible to transform the image-movement into photographs. The challenge of the writing is in the analysis of the performances and corporal statements presented by the pair, in the audiovisual, the form of proper aesthetic powers of the dance. Thus therefore, for the ways of a rizomático thought, the text invests in the composition of expressivas forms for translation of a mosaic of languages and gestures. A body-pony, as “Body without agencies” (Deleuze and Guattari), gains prominence while territory of ticket to know corporal through the collective dimension of the art, and the signs that if multiply in connections in the festive events, to produce the daily one of anonymous personagesDownloads
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