

Discourse Analysis, Intericonicity, Discursive Memory, Marielle Franco, Edson Luís.


In the present work, we bring the murders of Socialism and Liberty Party - PSOL councilwoman, Marielle Franco, killed in March 2018, and that of Edson Luís de Lima Souto, killed on March 28, 1968, in Rio de Janeiro. The object of the research is to understand how the utterance “mourning” emerged through the manifestations that occurred after the councilwoman's death, having as an associated field of memory the march that happened after the death of Edson Luís de Lima Souto. As a general objective, we seek to highlight how external images lead us to a social and collective memory through inner images, awakening a social imaginary that constitutes a discursive event against the repression of human rights. The external image we bring is a photograph taken at the demonstration held at the councilwoman's funeral in 2018. The prominent poster has the enunciative wording “Turning mourning into struggle. Marielle Franco, present”. The repetition materializes through the use of the formulation “mourning”, producing a double effect that occurs, which takes up Edson's martyr discourse reproduced over Marielle, as well as the materiality of the support, in this case, the poster.  For this, the research starts from the notion of intericonicity (COURTINE, 2006; 2009; 2013) and discourses and utterances (FOUCAULT, 2008; 1995). We use the French Discourse Analysis as a methodology (FOUCAULT, 2008). The analyzes indicate that such formulation dialogues within the same discursive memory evidencing the positions occupied by them, thus proving the discursive event of resistance, consistent with the characteristics of intericonicity and discursive formation.


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Author Biographies

Gabrielle Alves Reis, Mestranda em Linguística na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - Brasil

Licenciada em Letras.

Emerson Tadeu Cotrim Assunção, Docente na Universidade do Estado da Bahia - Brasil

Mestre em Letras: Cultura, Educação e Linguagem. Licenciado em Letras. Membro do Grupo de Estudos em Linguística Aplicada e Transdiciplinaridade e do Grupo de Pesquisa Linguagens e Educação: Alfabetização, Leitura, Linguística e Literatura.

Talita de Souza Figueredo, Doutoranda em Linguística na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - Brasil

Mestra em Memória: Linguagem e Sociedade. Graduada em Letras.


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How to Cite

Reis, G. A., Assunção, E. T. C., & Figueredo, T. de S. (2020). MARIELLE FRANCO AND EDSON LUÍS: A STATEMENT IN MEMORIAN. Cenas Educacionais, 3, e7196. Retrieved from



Thematic Dossier