Two sides of a same algerbrating strand: proportional and functional reasons by students of the initial years of fundamental education



Schemes, theorems-in-action, Functional reasoning, Proportional reasoning.


This article is a cut of a research that investigates the skills and the schemas that the students of the 3º and 5º years of Elementary School present in situations problems of Elementary Algebra and also the levels of algebraic reasoning mobilized in such situations. This research was supported by a descriptive methodology with a diagnostic approach. In this clipping, the purpose was to identify and understand the nature of the strategies presented in the theorems-in-action by students in only one of the problem situations investigated. This study was based on the guidelines of the National Curricular Parameters, the National Curricular Common Basis, the Vergnaud Conceptual Field Theory and discussions of experts. We sought to identify schemas that portrayed the link between functional reasoning and proportional reasoning. Analyzing quantitatively and qualitatively the extracts from the protocols of student responses, we identified that, even without formal instruction, these present competences in the functional perspective either by proportional notion or by pre-algebraic notations.


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Author Biographies

Rozimeire Soares de Oliveira Porto, Professora na Universidade do Estado da Bahia - Brasil

Mestra em Educação Matemática pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Integrante dos grupos de pesquisa GEPFOR, do GPEMEC e do GEEM. 

Sandra Maria Pinto Magina, Professora na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - Brasil

Pós-doutora pela Universidade de Lisboa. Doutora em Mathematics Education pela University of London. É líder do grupo de pesquisa Reflexão, Planejamento, Ação, Reflexão em Educação Matemática  (REPARE em EdMat). Recebeu prêmio CNPq/PIBIC (2005) e prêmio CAPES (2010) como orientadora de projeto IC e de tese de Doutorado respectivamente.

German Ignácio Ferrer Gomero, Professor na Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - Brasil

Doutor em Fisica pelo Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF). 


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How to Cite

Porto, R. S. de O., Magina, S. M. P., & Gomero, G. I. F. (2019). Two sides of a same algerbrating strand: proportional and functional reasons by students of the initial years of fundamental education. Cenas Educacionais, 2(1), 143–168. Retrieved from



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