Safety in drug administration: experience from northern Brazil
Patient safety, Education, nursing, continuing, Nursing careAbstract
This is an experience report about actions developed in the first semester of 2017 promoting continuing education to nursing professionals regarding patient safety in the preparation and administration of medications in primary sectors of a public referral hospital in the high care complexity in the state of Rondônia. We present an account of continuing education in nursing, the teaching-service integration and a discussion about the relevance of these actions in nursing academic training regarding the national curricular guidelines for nursing. The workshops consisted of 132 professionals, most of whom were females with varying ages and length of service at the institution. The most frequent doubts were regarding the calculation of drip, dilution and correct identification of the medication. There was a significant reduction in notifications of medication-related incidents in the year 2017 following such actions. We believe that the shared construction of knowledge as well as the integration of teaching and service in the professional environment can inspire similar processes, provoke reflections on care management, contribute to academic training and build networks to strengthen patient safety.Downloads
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