Basic education, Public Educational Policy, Youth and Adult Education, Pedagogical Practice.Abstract
This article, based on the perspective of dialectical materialism, is part of a master 's research study whose main objective was to understand the policy of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), based on the perception of teachers and students. The work was based on a qualitative approach and the data were collected in three ways: analysis of EJA guiding documents such as, decrees, ordinances, documents of the Municipal Council of Education - COMEC (IBIRATAIA, 2000, 2001, 2009, 2015) , made available by the Secretariat of Education, Culture, Sports and Leisure (SEMEC), in Ibirataia-BA. Subsequently, the application of questionnaires for teachers and students and the realization of the Focal Group technique (GF) with the teachers, subjects of the research. The systematization of the data was based on dialectical materialism, from Marx (2006), Bourdieu (1999) and Frigotto (1998), among others. The results contributed to the understanding that the EJA in the aforementioned municipal system needs a recontextualisation and this involves: the continuous formation of teachers, the construction of a curriculum through dialogue and community, proposals for partnerships with other federated entities, in accordance with the present time and, mainly, to consider the diversity of the public that compose it in the contemporaneity.Downloads
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