Sex Education, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Prevention, Didactic SequenceAbstract
Sex Education is essential for teenagers to access, discuss and understand the importance of developing healthy behaviors and care in preventing illnesses related to Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). In this context, the importance of developing materials that support the better development of teaching about these illnesses is understood. Thus, this didactic sequence aims to suggest activities for teachers to work on Sexual Education with an emphasis on Sexually Transmitted Infections in High School. To this end, five structured proposals are presented in the format of individual lesson plans, presented in an orderly manner to achieve learning about STI prevention. The proposals use different strategies, techniques and materials, as the integrative literature review demonstrated that the diversification of practices enhances learning about Sexual Education to prevent STIs in schoolchildren. The proposed activities contribute to better student understanding regarding knowledge of STIs, based on significant pedagogical activities that enable access and discussion of content, in addition to the development of behaviors regarding health care, using contemporary multimedia educational bases.
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