

Spatial thinking, Early childhood education, Test construction, Content validation


Spatial reasoning is a set of skills mobilized in different areas of human activity and whose importance in educational curricula, since kindergarten, has been growing during the past decades. This article details the construction and validation process of an instrument which purpose is to analyse the spatial skills of children between 4 and 6 years old. The development of that instrument was led by pedagogical and ethical principles that guide early childhood education. Thus, we defined a set of playful and manipulative challenges, covering different aspects of spatial thinking: topological concepts, laterality, representation of space in a square grid, perspectives, itineraries and maps. For the content validation process, a panel of six experts with training and professional activity linked to kindergarten education, educational technologies and/or mathematics teaching was selected. A content validation form was created to verify the adequacy of each test item, considering i) the concepts to be evaluated; ii) children’s ages and iii) the help provided for its execution. The contribution of the content validation process to the ongoing investigation is considered essential, because it led to some changes on the test content. It also promoted reflection on some contextual and relational aspects to be taken into account when carrying it out, with the aim of improving test’s adequacy to its purpose and ensure an affectively safe environment for children.


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Author Biographies

Lígia Gonçalves Nogueira, Doutoranda em Educação pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Espanha

Mestra em Educação pelo Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Professora no Instituto Politécnico do Porto.

Teresa Fernández Blanco, Professora na Universidad de Santiago de Compostela - Espanha

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Cláudia Manuela Ferreira Maia Lima, Professora no Instituto Politécnico do Porto - Portugal

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Portucalense


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How to Cite

Nogueira, L. G., Blanco, T. F., & Maia Lima, C. M. F. (2023). FIRST PHASE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SPATIAL THINKING ASSESS INSTRUMENT FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e16032. Retrieved from

