COVID-19, Nursing Education, Vaccination, Primary Health CareAbstract
The pandemic caused by COVID-19 had impacts on all levels of health care, and required coordinated actions by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health in order to combat the pandemic. Among the strategies to combat the pandemic is the development and large-scale production of vaccines, concomitant with the creation of strategies for mass vaccination, reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Thus, the objective of this article is to report the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Family Health Strategy and the consequences for maintaining the quality of the Teaching-Service-Community integration. It is noteworthy that the supervised internship is a moment of fundamental importance in the student's training process. It is emphasized that after the start of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19, there was a need to reorganize the work process, especially nursing. It is worth emphasizing that the internship in question took place at an atypical moment, still in the context of structuring the aforementioned unit and resuming its planned activities. Therefore, the resumption of the Family Health Strategy in a post-critical context of the pandemic is an arduous, laborious process and must count on the participation of all, and the integration of Teaching-Service-Community is structured as a tool for this consolidation, by bringing new perspectives and ideas that had not been discussed or tried before.
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