Children's games, Blindness, ChildAbstract
The subject of this article is play for blind children. The social interaction of children with disabilities has always been difficult, sometimes due to lack of knowledge or lack of interest in finding ways to adapt the games. Thus, although playing is a right guaranteed by law for all children, a large part of those with visual impairment and other disabilities are excluded from these moments. Thus, the aim of this article is to present an intervention project for the use of adapted games for children with visual impairment. This proposal is based on the offer of games and games as a wheel; my master ordered; what is what is it? For this purpose, classrooms equipped with materials aimed at blind children will be needed, such as a rattle ball, strings, Golden Material and tactile flooring. We opted for qualitative and continuous assessment, as it takes into account what children learn from the concepts worked on while participating in games and games.
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