Passinho Dance, School physical education, Gender, Race, CurriculumAbstract
This paper aims to report the challenge of implementing the Passinho Dance in the support materials for the São Paulo Curriculum, in Physical Education teaching, in state schools in São Paulo. There is veiled prejudice, but it is quite active, because dance uses a rhythmic manifestation whose origins are Afro-descendant, Latin and also practiced by the poor strata of the population, marked by social inequality and marginalization. As a theoretical foundation, we make use of anti-racist, feminist and gender studies, with a special focus on productions from the field of education interface and school physical education. The qualitative methodology was responsible for the selection of bibliographic production and for the analytical path of supporting materials, legislation and existing official documents. However, despite the legislation and theories of the Curriculum being proposed in the context of multiculturalism and body culture, there are still teachers who seem to be unaware of this body practice. We believe that there are teachers who negatively evaluate Passinho Dance, making those who practice it the target of gender and race prejudices. There is also weakness in training - be it initial, continued, in service - committed to learning based on anti-racist speeches and dialogue on gender relations. Although such a gap exists and also possible resistance, the recent achievement of Dança do Passinho in the support materials for the São Paulo Physical Education Curriculum is undeniable, which corresponds to greater visibility and combating inequalities, the result of the accumulation from the categories of gender, race and generation, coming from social movements and educational research.
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