

Education, Languages, Speech genres, Platforms, Digital Media


Digital culture permeates everyday life through devices and social networks, propelling communicative relationships, interactions, and diverse meanings. In education, digital culture can contribute to pedagogical practices by breaking away from the traditional model of information transmission. This article aims to explore Bakhtinian conceptions of speech genres to comprehend the role of digital media, particularly digital platforms (Gibbs et al., 2015; Sodré; Paiva, 2018), encompassing institutional, political, representative, ethical, aesthetic, and technological aspects. These platforms play a crucial role in understanding everyday school life and the formation of learners, extending beyond narrow word-based codifications. To achieve this, we traverse epistemological studies of communication (França, 2016; Martino, 2016) and the concept of mediation (Martín-Barbero, 2000), considering digital media as speech genres (Bakhtin, 2015 [1979]). We emphasize that these genres create communicative environments allowing the production of signs, symbolic elaborations, and representations typical of our time. We conclude that digital media facilitate distinct symbolic relationships, promote varied sensory perceptions, and add differentiated value and meaning to the relationships mediated by them. Additionally, we assert that the school is a cultural space embedded in the everyday social media context, and it should keep pace with these processes of sign production.


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Author Biographies

Eloisa Fátima Figueiredo Semblano Gonçalves, Teacher at the Municipal Education Network of Niterói - Brazil

Doctorate in Media and Daily Life from Universidade Federal Fluminense. Member of the educ@mí Research Group.

Jader Lúcio da Silva Júnior, Doctorate student in Media and Daily Life at Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil

Master in Media and Daily Life. Doctorate scholarship from CAPES. Member of the educ@mí Research Group.

Alexandre Farbiarz, Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life at Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil

Doctorate in Design from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Research Group Coordinator educ@mí


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, E. F. F. S., Silva Júnior, J. L. da, & Farbiarz, A. (2023). INTERACTIONS AND MEANINGS PRODUCED BY DIGITAL MEDIA AS DISCURSIVE GENRES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PLATFORMS. Cenas Educacionais, 6, e17661. Retrieved from

