Introduction to algebraic thinking: a teaching sequence through problem solving




Algebraic Thinking, Problem Solving, Notions of Algebra


This work is an excerpt from a master's thesis whose objective was to investigate the implications of a teaching sequence based on the premises of algebraic thinking and problem-solving in introducing the initial concepts of algebra to 6th-grade students in Elementary Education. The qualitative research was conducted with a class of 19 students from a state public school located in the city of Sorocaba – SP, and it consisted of the development of a teaching sequence composed of activities aimed at fostering algebraic thinking through problem-solving. The results show that in less complex activities, students were able to employ algebraic thinking satisfactorily. However, for a deeper understanding of the initial concepts of algebra, the meanings of the equality sign and issues related to the ability to make generalizations need to be further explored.


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Author Biographies

Rogério Fernando Pires, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Professor Adjunto da Universiodade Federal de Uberlândia

Lindinalva da Silva Dias, Governo do Estado de São Paulo

Professora de Matemática na rede estadual de ensino  de São Paulo.


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How to Cite

Pires, R. F., & Dias, L. da S. (2024). Introduction to algebraic thinking: a teaching sequence through problem solving. Bahian Journal of Mathematics Education (RBEM), 5(1), e202414.



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