Brazilian olympics mathematic of the public schools (OBMEP): Methodological proposal for mathematics teachers

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Maria Antônia Keila Alves
Daniel Brandão Menezes


This article aims to analyze didactic actions that are attached to teaching flat figures with emphasis in the use of the software Geogebra together with the website Phet Colorado and materials regularly used for students; so, aims to use as methodological proposal a Didactic Situation Olympic (DSO) of Alves in a School Municipal at Ubaúna-Coreaú/Ceará, her target Audience: two classes of 9th year of the elementary school II. The main point this study it was to introduce objectively as mathematic teachers, can approach Olympic Problems (OP´s) in regular classes mathematic, and also, find the best teaching methodology for help them; always aiming as main point the Students Learning. It was verified that the teaching of areas of flat figures aggregate educational resources more modern as the Geogebra and website Phet Colorado that were the chosen for this research, presents efficiently for meaningful learning of the students, acting mostly in the perception of which the mathematic there is not a possibility of answer, unlinking students of the misconception of which, the mathematic it is considered a exact science and therefore it is receive a unique possibility answer.


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How to Cite
Alves, M. A. K., & Menezes, D. B. (2023). Brazilian olympics mathematic of the public schools (OBMEP): Methodological proposal for mathematics teachers. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 4(01), e202306.
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Author Biographies

Maria Antônia Keila Alves, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

Graduanda em matemática (licenciatura) pela UVA 

Daniel Brandão Menezes, Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA)

Pós-doutor em Educação Brasileira na linha de pesquisa História e Educação Comparada pela UFC


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