Avaliação no Ensino Remoto de Matemática: analisando categorias de respostas
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:A head of the pandemic, in 2020, the usual classroom teaching had been suspended and the schools had to adopt a model that took care of to the social isolation and that allowed the continuity of the lessons. Some schools had adopted the RemoteEmergencialTeaching (RET), others had created a similar structure to long-distance education.These adaptations had generated other dilemmas on how it would be to teach and, consequently, how it would be to evaluate in these models of education. This work reports the experience of evaluation with three classes of the 2nd year from the Escola SESC de Ensino Médio (ESEM), which has adopted the RET, based on a situation problem, structuralized in the environment of learning with references to the reality.The used model was a research, which had the objective to promote a bigger reflection and understanding on the importance of the application of the exponential function in the analysis of the behavior of the infection for the virus. The students had to explain the difference between the exponential, linear and quadraticfunctions, from available mathematical information in a text that must be accessed through one link supplied. Moreover, they had to access another material, to understand some concepts related to COVID 19, as the tax of infection, speed of transmission, and as these concepts (or some of them) are related with the studied mathematical model, the Exponential Function. Using these productions, the answers of the 45 pupils in relation to the learning of exponential functions had been categorized and analyzed. This experience indicates that it is possible to extend the evaluation process using the digital technologies.
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