Challenges posed to the English language teacher in the contemporaneity
English language, Teacher, ChallengeAbstract
It is not a well-kept secret that teacher's career is a mission. However, to accomplish this mission, the teacher faces a series of challenges which affect the working conditions and his/her performance. This paper is about the challenge of being an English teacher in the contemporaneity. The main objective is to describe three challenges posed to the English teacher: first, the challenge of raising awareness on the global status the English language achieves today and the consequences of this, second, the challenge to deal with the improper logistic factors, such as the improper textbook, the group heterogeneity and the low class load and third, the challenge of formation. The relevance of this paper lies on the fact of not only reflecting on the mentioned challenges, but to make suggestions to overcome them, mainly, in front of diversity which disregards the educator mission, affecting straightly the teacher.
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