How can we do science differently in the age of the anthropocene? From an ethical and political gesture to an epistemology of relationship




Science of the singular, Doing science differently, Anthropocene, Ethical and political disposition.


The aim is to redefine an epistemological, ethical and political position for biographical research - as well as for the human and social sciences as a whole - in the face of the questions raised by anthropogenic phenomena that put life forms and the conditions of habitability on Earth at risk. Awareness of the impact of human activities on terrestrial ecosystems and the consequent rediscovery of the interdependence and solidarity between living beings in a world, a soil that is common to them, makes us imagine or refigure that we belong to the Earth. This shift and the affirmation of this anchoring lead us to rethink the art and way of doing science in a different way and to specify, simultaneously, an ethical-political disposition and a critical concept capable of founding an interpretative framework for conduct and thought in the field of biographical research, defined as a science of the singular.


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Author Biography

Christine Delory-Momberger, Université Paris Nord

Professeur de sciences de l'éducation à l'Université de
Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité. Professeur associé du Programme d'éducation et de contemporanéité de l'Université de l'État de Bahia.
Programme d'éducation et de contemporanéité à l'Université d'État de Bahia.
Université. Fondateur de l'Université Ouverte du Sujet dans la Cité (UOSC) et Président du Collège International de Recherche Biographique (CIRB).
Président du Collège international de recherche biographique en éducation (CIRBE).
Membre de plusieurs organisations internationales et réseaux de recherche
(Service franco-allemand pour la jeunesse, Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Erziehungsgesellschaft, Gesellschaft für Historische Anthropologie, BioGrafia
(réseau Amérique latine-Europe pour la recherche biographique), CIPA (Congrès international de l'(auto)biographie).
Congrès international de la recherche (auto)biographique), International Auto/Biography


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How to Cite

DELORY-MOMBERGER, C. How can we do science differently in the age of the anthropocene? From an ethical and political gesture to an epistemology of relationship. Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 24, p. e1151, 2024. DOI: 10.31892/rbpab2525-426X.2024.v9.n24.e1151. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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