The verb to arrive in position v1: radiality and constructionalization at classroom
teaching, verbo to arrive, periphrasis, constructionalization, polysemyAbstract
In this article, we analyze the constructionalization process (Traugott; Trousdale, 2013) through which the verb to arrive in Brazilian Portuguese, but specifically in structures of the type [V1 (x) + V2], in which the verb to arrive occupies the V1 position. For that, we present reflections on the language in use, relating it to the general domain cognitive factors according to Bybee (2010) and the radial organization proposed by Lakoff (1987). Furthermore, anchored in the official documents of Brazilian education for teaching the Portuguese language (Guidelines Law and Bases of National Education (Law no. 9,394/96); National Common Base Curricular (NCBC), we raise the discussion about the relationship between the official documents and the teaching of grammar based on the polysemy of the verbal category and, by analogy, recognizing the various meanings of verbs in complex structures of the Portuguese language. The sample chosen for this analysis is composed of 48 (forty-eight) interviews from two oral corpora, namely: the Corpus of Popular Portuguese of Vitória da Conquista (Corpus PPVC) and the Corpus of Cult Portuguese of Vitória da Conquista (Corpus PCVC).
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