The pronoun you through the functionalist lenses: a reflection on teaching and language in use
functionalism, grammaticalization, subject pronoun you, FacebookAbstract
Prototypically, according to the grammatical tradition, this pronoun refers to the second person singular (P2), co-occurring with thou. However, two other meanings were found for the same pronoun, namely P1 (referring to the first person singular) and Generic (when the speaker refers to a group of people and not one person only, such as P1 or P2 classification). To perform this research, the subject pronoun you was studied in scientific, linguistic, functional material; excerpts from posts from the social network Facebook between 2013 and 2014 were used as corpus, where data were extracted, and analyzed, in order to verify the functionality of the pronoun in the material collected. And, from this article, which is the fruit of the research above described, it is possible to notice the presence of those three semantic values for a unique linguistic item, in case, the subject pronoun you in a cyberspace.
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