Reading as social practice and teaching: going towards Canto dos Palmares, by Solano Trindade
literature, literary reading, social and pedagogical practiceAbstract
This text reflects on how the process of literary reading has a relevant role in social and pedagogical practice, outside and inside school spaces, as it explores the poem Canto dos Palmares, by Solano Trindade (1961), in its process of creation and networks of meanings provoked in its reader. The concepts of identity, ancestry and belonging are rescued in the poem's verses and through the construction of performative images and musicality that are incorporated into the acts of creation and reading, which are inserted into a rhythm that goes back to black people's practices of resistance and struggle. And present themselves as indispensable devices for teaching and social practice. Discussions about the roles of literature and literary reading in raising awareness and in the fight for social transformation are coupled with thinking about literary work as a place of emancipation and liberation. This entire journey is permeated by the presence of Élio Ferreira de Souza (2006), bell hooks (2019), Ngugi Wa Thiong´o(1981) and Leda Martins(2011), among others, for the discussion of the social and cultural perspectives of literature and by João Adolfo Hansen(2005) and Carlos Felipe Moisés(1996) for analyzing the roles of literary reading and the Reader.
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