Task life from University

actions plan facing climate change





Climate Change, Actions Plan, Life Task


Climate change represents an inevitable truth that must be attend by all the people of the planet. In this sense, the commitment of Cuban universities with the compliment of the State's Plan for facing Climate Change (Life Task) is vital, constituting a priority for the country's environmental policy. These considerations were taken as source to establish the Actions Plan for the Life Task of the Municipal University Center of Consolación del Sur, Pinar del Río, based on the condition that the municipality is linked to the priorities of the State’s Plan because of the effects in the coastal aquifers, circumscribed to the Popular Council of Alonso Rojas, which compromise irrigation in rice-growing and agriculture. In addition, the diagnosis carried out allowed verifying that the population do not have the necessary knowledge to be able to perceive the risk of serious environmental problems, so in general they must be prepared for mitigation and adaptation to these problems. With these considerations, the present work goals is to implement a Life Task Actions Plan pointed at preparing the population for mitigation and adaptation to the effects of Climate Change in the prioritized areas of the Consolación del Sur municipality in Pinar del Río. To obtain the results we used observation and interviews, supported by theoretical methods that guaranteed to logically structure the proposal, as well as its results.         


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Author Biographies

Reina María Rodríguez García, Centro Universitario Municipal. Consolación del Sur. Pinar del Río. Cuba

Centro Universitario Municipal. Consolación del Sur. Pinar del Río. Cuba

Ana Cristina Pérez Hernández, Centro Universitario Municipal. Consolación del Sur. Pinar del Río. Cuba.

Centro Universitario Municipal. Consolación del Sur. Pinar del Río. Cuba.

Ekaterina Ferragut Reinoso, Centro de Educación y Promoción para el Desarrollo Sostenible CEPRODESO

Centro de Educación y Promoción para el Desarrollo Sostenible CEPRODESO

Máryuri García González, Universidad de la Habana. Cuba

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación en la especialidad de Economía y Gestión. Ingeniera Forestal. Profesora Titular -Investigadora Universidad de la Habana. Cuba


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How to Cite

RODRÍGUEZ GARCÍA, R. M.; PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, A. C.; FERRAGUT REINOSO, E.; GARCÍA GONZÁLEZ, M. Task life from University: actions plan facing climate change. Diálogos e Perspectivas Interventivas, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. e19655, 2024. DOI: 10.52579/diapi.vol5.i1.a19655. Disponível em: https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/dialogos/article/view/19655. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Dossiê Temático - “Visión integral de la formación en la Universidad. Perspectivas desde experiencias diversas”