Paulo Freire, Modeling Educational Systems, Educational TechnologiesAbstract
This research aimed to model a software capable of collaborating with the teaching-learning process of the early grades of Youth and Adult Education (EJA). The system called Literacy Online, based on the Paulo Freire Method was implemented to be used as support for the development of the phases that make up the method, in order to enable students to have contact with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) of critically and consciously. The research, of a praxiological nature, was developed in two stages: the first based on the dialogue with the authors and the construction of the methodological proposal and the second moment characterized by the experimentation of the methodological proposal, in the field, to verify its effectiveness in the process of teaching-learning of EJA, contemplating, especially, the students in the literacy process. The results obtained were considered satisfactory for the general objective, with an indication of improvements for the applicability of the software.
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