

Eneida. Underground Memory. Political Resistance.


This article is part of a research program that studies and draws up Poetic Cartographies of the Amazon, developed in the Amazonian Cultures and Memories Research Center. The composition of this trace of the map comprises the study of the underground memories present in chronicles of the Paraense writer Eneida de Moraes. From a bibliographical and qualitative perspective, the research deals with the main conceptions of memory, among them the underground memory, referring to the socially excluded and marginalized. The memories brought in the chronicles denounce the abuses of Brazilian politics in the 30's of the 20th century, the social injustices that occurred during the period of the military dictatorship and the prisons lived by the writer and her companions. In this way, the study of poetics allows us to understand the collective memory of society in the Estado Novo period, to be aware of the events that guide the present time, and thus to project perspectives for the future. The social role of literature is thus understood, which has been overlooked by the official memory. It is revealed in the memorial text, which talks about subjects related to the traumas, tortures and prisons faced by the opponents of Getúlio Vargas’ government. The present text cuts from the main work the presentation of chronicles of the books Aruanda and Banho de Cheiro and is divided into two parts: the first presents biographical features of the life of the writer, essential for the understanding of the work, and the second discourse on the memories referred to in the writer’s chronicles.


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Author Biographies

Evelim Mendes dos Santos, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Graduada em Letras. Integrante do Núcleo de Pesquisas Culturas e Memórias Amazônicas, participando da linha de pesquisa Poéticas Orais.

Josebel Akel Fares, Universidade do Estado do Pará

Pós-Doutora. Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica. Mestra e Licenciada em Letras. Coordena o Núcleo e o Grupo de pesquisa Culturas e Memórias Amazônicas(CUMA); participa do Centro de Estudos da Oralidade; e, do Estudos de Narrativas na Amazônia.


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How to Cite

Santos, E. M. dos, & Fares, J. A. (2018). UNDERGROUND MEMORIES IN ENEIDA’S CHRONICLES. Cenas Educacionais, 1(1), 271–296. Retrieved from https://revistas.uneb.br/index.php/cenaseducacionais/article/view/5147



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