Numerical Sets from the perspective of the History of Mathematics in a Youth and Adult Education class




Youth and Adult Education, Supervised Internship in Mathematics, History of Mathematics


This article is a Supervised Curricular Internship Experience Report by an undergraduate student in Mathematics. The internship was carried out in a 1 nd year and a 2nd year secondary school class in a public school, in which the student had the opportunity to apply some the History of Mathematics trend in his classes. The aim of this article is to report on the use of the History of Mathematics and its function and applicability in the process of teaching mathematics. As a theoretical foundation, we highlight D'Ambrosio (2012) and Roque (2014). As for the rationale that guided the classroom practice described in this work, we refer to the National Common Core Curriculum, which emphasizes the important contributions of this trend to the teaching of mathematics. As a result, the students were able to reflect, work on dialogicity and learn about one of humanity's most interesting stories: the construction of numbers. We also noticed that there was greater engagement, understanding and interest on the part of the students during math classes. Likewise, the trainee had the opportunity to reflect on the importance of new teaching strategies and approaches in math classes. Therefore, we conclude that the History of Mathematics contributed to greater use of the content and understanding of mathematics from a historiographical perspective.


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Author Biographies

Saulo Macedo de Oliveira, State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes

Master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES). Degree in Mathematics from the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. ORCID: - Lattes: - E-mail:

Rieuse Lopes, State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes

PhD in Mathematics Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Professor in the Department of Exact Sciences at the State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brazil. ORCID iD: - Lattes: - E-mail:


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How to Cite

Oliveira, S. M. de, & Lopes, R. (2024). Numerical Sets from the perspective of the History of Mathematics in a Youth and Adult Education class. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 5(1), e202403.



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