Games for teaching Probability in the early years of Elementary School




Early Years, Probability, Educational games


This work aims to present games to help teach probability in the early years of Elementary School. To this end, through qualitative research we carried out a survey of digital and non-digital games that were suitable for teaching probability in the initial years, complying with the criteria of adaptability, interactivity and problematization, allowing them to be made with accessible material and adapted, stimulating student engagement and triggering questions about the concepts being addressed. In this way, 8 games were selected and the tests demonstrated that they are potentially significant resources for the process of learning probability concepts in the early years, adapting to the cognitive demands that involve assimilation, as well as helping in the development of probabilistic thinking and language. probabilistic approach with a focus on vocabulary in a playful way, and can also be used to review, fix concepts or give new meaning to concepts.


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Author Biographies





Anneliese de Oliveira Lozada, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO ABC

Doutoranda em Ensino e História das Ciências e da Matemática (UFABC)


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How to Cite

Lozada, C. de O., & Lozada, A. de O. (2024). Games for teaching Probability in the early years of Elementary School. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 5(1), e202409.