Representation in Tables: Learning by Students in the Primary School

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Betânia Evangelista
Gilda Guimarães
Izabella Oliveira


It is essential to form citizens capable of interpreting and systematizing information about all types of knowledge. Understanding representations in tables is one of the essential knowledge areas for a critical Statistical Education. In this study, we seek to investigate the learning of table representation by students in the primary School. To this end, we carried out an experimental study with 111 students from the 2nd and 5th grades. The pre and post tests were carried out individually and a teaching intervention, lasting two meetings of approximately 2 hours, was carried out with the whole class. In all phases, activities involved interpreting and building single and two-way table with real data. We observed that students from the 2nd year already knew how to locate frequencies, but learned to interpret data and make decisions based on them, no longer based on their beliefs or life experiences. Thus, they began to analyse all the data in the table and their relationships to justify their choices. The 2nd year students started to build simple tables recording all the constituent elements, however, only in the 5th year the students were able to build two-way tables. Thus, when teaching tables is carried out intentionally and systematically, significant developments in learning can be seen. The teaching of tables needs to value proposals for activities that lead students to critically reflect on real contexts, exploring different types of skills, analysing information as a way of making decisions and confronting conclusions.


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How to Cite
Evangelista, B., Guimarães, G., & Oliveira, I. (2022). Representation in Tables: Learning by Students in the Primary School. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 3(01), e202226.
Dossiê Temático - Educação Estatística brasileira na 11th ICOTS
Author Biographies

Betânia Evangelista, Governo de Pernambuco

Governo de Pernambuco (PE). Doutora em Educação Matemática e Tecnológica.

Gilda Guimarães, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Doutora em Psicologia Cognitiva.

Izabella Oliveira, Université Laval/Canadá (UL)

Université Laval/Canadá (UL). Doutora em Educação.


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