A Reflection on Statistical Literacy and Curriculum Guidelines in Brazil for The Years of Elementary School

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Maria Helena Baccar
André Monteiro Novaes
Leticia Rangel
Flávia Maria Pinto Ferreira Landim
Vanessa Matos Leal
Valeria Pontes da Costa Reis
Raquel Medina Amaral de Oliveira


This work has been developed by the Fundão Project: Statistics and Probability, a collaborative project of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), composed of professors, undergraduate students and school level mathematics teachers. The research is part of a study whose focus is the teaching and learning of statistics and probability in elementary school. Our goal is the professional development of mathematics teachers. With attention to the initial phase of statistical literacy and based on an integrated approach, we considered the recent Brazilian normative orientations of Common National Curriculum Basis (BNCC) in Statistics and Probability to propose didactic sequences along the lines of the resolution of statistical investigation problems by the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE).


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How to Cite
Baccar, M. H., Novaes, A. M., Rangel, L., Landim, F. M. P. F., Leal, V. M., Reis, V. P. da C., & Oliveira, R. M. A. de . (2022). A Reflection on Statistical Literacy and Curriculum Guidelines in Brazil for The Years of Elementary School. Revista Baiana De Educação Matemática, 3(01), e202222. https://doi.org/10.47207/rbem.v3i01.15717
Dossiê Temático - Educação Estatística brasileira na 11th ICOTS
Author Biographies

Maria Helena Baccar, Colégio Pedro II - Projeto Fundão/UFRJ

Colégio Pedro II - Rio de Janeiro. Doutoranda (PEMAT-UFRJ).

André Monteiro Novaes, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro

Leticia Rangel, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Flávia Maria Pinto Ferreira Landim, Instituto de Matemática-UFRJ

Instituto de Matemática-UFRJ.

Vanessa Matos Leal, Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro

Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro. Mestranda (PEMAT-UFRJ).

Valeria Pontes da Costa Reis, Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro

Secretaria Municipal de Educação - Rio de Janeiro.

Raquel Medina Amaral de Oliveira, Secretaria Municipal de Educação – Rio de Janeiro. Secretaria Estadual de Educação - Rio de Janeiro

Secretaria Municipal de Educação – Rio de Janeiro. Secretaria Estadual de Educação - Rio de Janeiro.


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