Statistics as Research in Basic Education
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The aim of this work was to verify the applicability of basic statistics contents, through field research. It was developed in a group of 40 students between 16, 17 and 18 years old, during the 2016 school year. In a Public Technical High School, located in the South of Brazil. The approach of this work is quantitative, as students carry out research on topics of their interests, with the aim of applying statistical content. The work was performed in stages, which were carried out in the following order: choice of theme to be worked on, research organization, data collection method and statistical analyses. The purpose of this research sought a new approach to learning about Statistical Education. The survey on the topics of interest was carried out by the students themselves, who built graphs, tables and calculated the descriptive measures on the data found according to the chosen topics. The results were presented to the academic community in the form of posters. The research provided students with a theoretical foundation, knowledge of technological tools, construction of questionnaires and, above all, the understanding, importance and construction of statistical education. Students were able to work directly with research, and the applicability of statistics. In this way, seeking to develop the concepts in their formation as citizens. And mainly understanding the importance of interpreting statistics for life.
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